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Contemporary Artist

I'm a contemporary artist studying at UCLan, working with a wide array of media. I aim to constantly push boundaries as I look for ways to develop my art, conceptually and aesthetically. Subjects of my work are always inspired by personal or current social subjects which I am extremely passionate about.

Within this exhibition, I decided to focus solely on digital work to explore how women's bodies are objectified and how it is to actually experience my own body. I have adapted my work, so I am able to create work outside of the studio and by doing this, my ideas and intentions haven’t been thwarted by the current situation. I have really enjoyed experimenting with video and film.


Kirby Corless: TeamMember

What theme are you exploring in the piece/s you have exhibited?

I am exploring how slang terms are used to describe the female body and how it adds to everyday misogyny. In an attempt to avoid vulgarity, society use offensive and degrading terminology to describe women’s genitalia. I am exploring ways in which we can openly speak about women’s bodies without shame so we can finally ditch these vulgar slang terms and celebrate our bodies using the correct language.

What are your inspirations behind the piece?

Ask FM is a website that allows users to post anonymous comments and questions on a person's profile, which is what inspired me to create this work. I noticed a lot of the questions or messages I received were very degrading and objectified me. Anonymous people either described my body or what they'd like to do to it. When I shared the messages I was receiving, many other young people from my school, college and area said they had similar experiences. The language which was used mortified me and has had a massive impact on me and the way I have presented/ experienced myself and my body since then.

I wanted to create work to visualise the names used to describe vulvas and breasts. I did this to show humour but to also highlight the ridiculousness of these vulgar and derogatory terms as they are built on masculinity and the patriarchy. I wanted to show how they shouldn’t be used loosely in conversation as they are demeaning. Through my art, I find I have the opportunity to influence cultural attitudes and transform stereotypes or speak openly about these issues which many other young women face.

Which artists influence you and your work?

With influences from Pipilotti Rist, Emma Hart and Cheryl Donegan my work has both modern and contemporary layers. I focused on Cheryl Donegan’s style of work as she evokes shock and humour, which I’d like my work to have. Even though her film was created in 1993, I feel her work is very contemporary and fresh. The use of a sexual innuendo conveyed through the milk bottle adds humour, but also a level of disgust. Similarly, I want to communicate a serious message about the ways in which language sexualises and objectifies women's bodies through the use of humour. I also really liked Pipilotti’s work, how she expanded her work beyond visual means by creating sensorial experiences. She did this through speeding up and then slowing down the footage, as well as editing it to create distorted images. Sometimes the sound was even inaudible for the human ear, it creates an exaggerated grotesque form of feminine qualities. I really liked the idea and wanted to include this into my work as I wanted to exhibit quite sexualised depictions of the female form while distorting them to avoid being over sexualised by the viewer.

Which medium/s have you used and why?

I have created a video using a mixture of 3D models, digital drawings and film footage. I wanted to create a short film, something that I have only experimented with once before as I wanted to communicate a serious message about the ways in which language sexualises and objectifies women's bodies. I decided to do this through the use of humour. Similar to my previous works, this project is feminist based and explores ideas around the patriarchy and sexual objectification. I wanted to delve into this subject through the medium of film as I feel my approach towards this issue is completely new and very contemporary.

What impact do you want to make on the audience?

Language is so influential and important in society that it shapes ideals, opinions and the way we think about others or ourselves. I want the audience to visualise and understand the ridiculousness of the slang terms and phrases which are used in relation to the female body. In hope that one day we can use the correct terminology without shame or embarrassment.

Kirby Corless: Text
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